
Canada’s mental health crisis worsens each year. Increased awareness and reduced stigma might explain the rising numbers, but the trend is still alarming. One growing issue is social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder severely impacts daily life. While treatments exist, some people are exploring alternatives like CBD. Studies show that CBD edibles can be as […]
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Many Canadians enjoy various cannabis products for medical and recreational use, but hashish remains a timeless favourite. People have enjoyed hashish for centuries due to its potent effects. Hashish contains around 400 compounds, including over 60 cannabinoids, terpenoids, phenols, and other components. Each offers unique effects when consumed, but not all hash samples contain the […]
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Are you searching for the ultimate cannabis experience? Buy Greasy Pink Bubba–a strain that’s turning heads in the cannabis community. But what makes this Indica-dominant hybrid so special? This blog will explore its genetic lineage, unique parent strains, and why it might be the perfect mix of euphoria and relaxation. Keep reading to see if […]
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Hash and Charas are two potent forms of cannabis resin that have travelled through time and tradition, from ancient rituals to modern recreational use. While they may appear similar to beginners, they have distinct histories and characteristics. Charas is an intriguing resin from the Indian and Nepali Himalayas, made by hand-rubbing the plant. While Western […]
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Shatter is a cannabis concentrate renowned for its purity, often reaching up to 90% THC due to the extraction process isolating terpenes and cannabinoids. Highly prized in Canada for its rapid onset and potent high, it’s a popular choice among users seeking immediate and intense effects. Its potency and extraction complexity contribute to its high […]
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Cannabis prices continue to rise. The supply of cannabis flower tightens further throughout 2024 as more cultivation operations either reduce or cease production due to mounting losses. This reduced supply will likely drive prices even higher. Higher prices are discouraging some users from purchasing, which in turn is increasing the demand for discounted cannabis in […]
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“`htmlCannabis edibles have gained significant traction recently, providing a subtle and enduring method to reap the benefits of marijuana. In contrast to smoking or vaping, where effects are felt almost immediately, edibles require some time before their impact is realized.By grasping the principles behind this extended experience, consistent users can enhance their edible dosing strategies […]
Read More… from CBD’s Secret Advantage: Prolonging the Effects of Your Cannabis Edibles